SNOWPACK 20250312.08994956
TechSnow Class Reference

Detailed Description

Implementation of snow grooming.

This module relies on the following configuration keys, all in the [TechSnow] section:

  • SNOW_GROOMING: if set to true, enables this module (default: false);
  • GROOMING_WEEK_START: ISO week number when to start grooming (default: 40)
  • GROOMING_WEEK_END: ISO week number when to stop grooming (default: 17)
  • GROOMING_HOUR: at what time should grooming be performed? (default: 21 hour)
  • GROOMING_DEPTH_START: how much snow must be on the ground to start grooming [m] (default: 0.4);
  • GROOMING_DEPTH_IMPACT: maximum depth of snow impacted by grooming [m] (default: 0.4);
Mathias Bavay, Pirmin Ebner and others

#include <TechnicalSnow.h>

Public Member Functions

 TechSnow (const SnowpackConfig &cfg)
bool prepare (const mio::Date &current_date) const
 Defined time when the slope preparation happens (default: 9:00PM) and only for the winter season (default: week < 17 && week > 46). More...
void preparation (SnowStation &Xdata) const
 Perform technical snow preparation. The technical snow preparation has only an influence on the upper 40 cm (default) and started with minimum snow depth of 40 cm (default). The maximum preparation density is 450 kg/m3. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void productionPpt (const CurrentMeteo &Mdata, const double &cumu_precip, double &Tw, double &rho_hn, double &delta_cH, double &theta_w)
 Compute the basic properties of newly produced technical snow (potentially mixed with natural snow) More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TechSnow()

TechSnow::TechSnow ( const SnowpackConfig cfg)

Member Function Documentation

◆ preparation()

void TechSnow::preparation ( SnowStation Xdata) const

Perform technical snow preparation. The technical snow preparation has only an influence on the upper 40 cm (default) and started with minimum snow depth of 40 cm (default). The maximum preparation density is 450 kg/m3.

The densification is done with a fit on the data found in Wolfsperger, F., H. Rhyner, and M. Schneebeli, <"Pistenpräparation und Pistenpflege. Das Handbuch für den Praktiker.", Davos: WSL-Institut für Schnee-und Lawineforschung SLF, (2018).

[in]XdataSnow profile to prepare (grooming, etc)

◆ prepare()

bool TechSnow::prepare ( const mio::Date &  current_date) const

Defined time when the slope preparation happens (default: 9:00PM) and only for the winter season (default: week < 17 && week > 46).

Returns true if snow should be prepared

[in]current_datecurrent date
true if the snow should be prepared, false otherwise

◆ productionPpt()

void TechSnow::productionPpt ( const CurrentMeteo Mdata,
const double &  cumu_precip,
double &  Tw,
double &  rho_hn,
double &  delta_cH,
double &  theta_w 

Compute the basic properties of newly produced technical snow (potentially mixed with natural snow)

The density of the produced technical snow depends on the wet-bulb temperature. The liquid water content depends on the wet-bulb temperature, average water temperature for the technical snow production (T_water = 1.5 C), average wind condition for snow production (v = 1.5 m/s). An average water loss due to wind, evaporation, etc. of 15 % is assumed.

  • The data are taken from: Wolfsperger, F., H. Rhyner, and M. Schneebeli, "Pistenpräparation und Pistenpflege. Das Handbuch für den Praktiker.", Davos: WSL-Institut für Schnee-und Lawineforschung SLF, (2018).
    [in]MdataMeteorological data
    [in]cumu_precipcumulated amount of precipitation (kg m-2)
    [out]Twtechnical snow temperature (K)
    [out]rho_hntechnical snow density (kg/m3)
    [out]delta_cHnew snow fall height (m)
    [out]theta_wliquid water fraction of the new elements to be created (1)

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