42#include <meteoio/MeteoIO.h>
57 std::vector<double>& hm_, std::vector<double>& as_,
58 const std::vector<double>& D_el, std::vector<double>& oldVaporDenNode);
61 double dRhov_dT(
const double Tem);
69 std::string watertransportmodel_snow;
70 std::string watertransportmodel_soil;
71 double sn_dt, timeStep, waterVaporTransport_timeStep;
72 const static double VapourTransport_timeStep;
73 double hoar_thresh_rh, hoar_thresh_vw, hoar_thresh_ta;
74 bool useSoilLayers, water_layer;
76 bool enable_vapour_transport;
77 double diffusionScalingFactor_, height_of_meteo_values;
78 bool adjust_height_of_meteo_values;
80 const static double f;
82 bool waterVaporTransport_timeStepAdjust;
This header file contains the definition of the structures required to handle I/O.
CurrentMeteo is the class of interpolated meteo data for the current calculation time step It contai...
Definition: DataClasses.h:83
This module contains the solver for the 1d Richards Equation for the 1d snowpack model.
Definition: ReSolver1d.h:36
Definition: DataClasses.h:603
Definition: SnowpackConfig.h:28
Definition: DataClasses.h:731
This module contains water vapour transport routines for the 1d snowpack model.
Definition: VapourTransport.h:50
VapourTransport(const SnowpackConfig &cfg)
Definition: VapourTransport.cc:64
void compTransportMass(const CurrentMeteo &Mdata, double &ql, SnowStation &Xdata, SurfaceFluxes &Sdata)
The mass transport procedure, which serves as the primary function, is invoked from Snowpack::runSnow...
Definition: VapourTransport.cc:164
This module contains water transport routines for the 1d snowpack model.
Definition: WaterTransport.h:39
Definition: WaterTransport.h:51