SNOWPACK 20250312.08994956
Solver.h File Reference
#include <cstddef>

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 The CHUNK_DATA is used to keep track of allocated memory chunks ( block of memory ). For each allocated chunk we store the pointer returned from the memory allocator, so that a later deallocation of the memory will be possible. More...
 The data structure to store the matrix for numerical factorization is a simple one. The matrix structure is after the mmd sorting algorithm and the symbolic factorization mainly composed of clustered non-zero matrix coefficients which form blocks. In this case we use a data strucutre to represent these row and column blocks. NOTE: The row blocks are simply what in the literature is specified as supernodes. We have kept the data structure as simple as possible to minimize the numerical operations and so the execution time. NOTE: When we define a system we have the possibility to define a multiplicity factor. This allows us to perform all initialization tasks ( input of incidences, symbolic factorization, block format calculation ) with all indices modulo the multiplicity factor to save time and memory. Thus the computed block format is always the same for any specified multiplicity factor only the block bounds are different. ATTENTION: The size of the permutation vector is only Dim/(Multiplicity Factor). More...
struct  SD_COL_DATA
struct  SD_ROW_DATA
 When the user define a matrix, the software return a pointer to an opaque type i.e. a pointer to void as index to reference the matrix. This pointer is actually the pointer to the SD_MATRIX_DATA data structure. This date structure is defined as a union of differnet matrix data representations, and the type of data actually stored depend on the evolution of the algorithn. More...


enum  StateType { ConMatrix , BlockConMatrix , BlockMatrix }
  SymbolicFactorize = 1 , NumericFactorize = 2 , BackForwardSubst = 4 , ComputeSolution = NumericFactorize | BackForwardSubst ,
  ResetMatrixData = 8 , ReleaseMatrixData = 16


int ds_DefineConnectivity (SD_MATRIX_DATA *const pMat0, const int &nEq, int Eq[], const int &nEl, const int &Dim)
 This function assemble the element connnectivity for one or more elements in order to build a sparse matrix format. Of course we only store the upper part of the connectivity matrix because we only consider structure symmetric matrices. More...
int ds_Initialize (const int &MatDim, SD_MATRIX_DATA **ppMat)
 This is the first function to be called prior to begin to work with any matrix. The user must gives the number of equations i.e. the dimension of the matrix, the type of matrix i.e. a symmetric or unsymmetric matrix and the multiplicity. The multiplicity specifies that each coefficient of the matrix is actually a square matrix and each equation and unknown is actually a set of equations and unknowns all of dimension equal to the defined multiplicity factor. Thus the true dimension of the linear system is given by the specified matrix dimension times the multiplicity. Of course a multiplicity value of one is the most general case, but sometines especially by vector field computations the multiplicity is simply given by the dimension of the vector to be computed and this allow to speed up many integer operations. Only define a multiplicity factor greather than one, if the vector field components, or a subset, are fully coupled to eachother. In fact, by definition of a multiplicity we always reserve memory for the full coupled system among each vector component, thus the memory requirement increase quadratically with the defined multiplicity factor. The function return a pointer to an opaque data type as matrix identifier. More...
int ds_AssembleMatrix (SD_MATRIX_DATA *pMat0, const int &nEq, int Eq[], const int &Dim, const double *ElMat)
 This function assemble the element square matrix [ElMat] for one element with nEq*M x nEq*M real coefficients in to the global matrix [A]. It must be called for each (finite) element after the element connectivity have been assembled and the matrix symbolic factorized. To perform this task we also require the element incidences. The variable: Dim specifies the dimension of the matrix: Mat which is not required to be equal to the numer of element incidences: nEq. More...
bool ds_Solve (const SD_MATRIX_WHAT &Code, SD_MATRIX_DATA *pMat, double *pX)
 This function calls the solver itself. More...
int ReleaseConMatrix (SD_CON_MATRIX_DATA *pMat)
int ReleaseBlockMatrix (SD_BLOCK_MATRIX_DATA *pMat)
 Release all the data allocated for the numerical factorization algorithm. More...

Detailed Description

This module define the interface functions to access the direct solver and explain the sequence of function calls requested to solve a linear system of equations. Solves the linear equation system: [A]{X} = {B} --> {X} := [A]-1{B}, where [A] is a sparse symmetric or unsymmetric, structure-symmetric NxN matrix, {B} is a single right-hand-side vector and {X} is the sough solution vector both of dimension N. In the solution process the right-hand-side vector {B} is overwritten by the solution vector {X} When the linear system of equations stam from a FE method for a vector field or a similar one is possible and advantageous to define a multiplicity factor M which is nothing but the dimension of the vector field. In this case the linear system of equations is defined as we would work with a scalar field instead of a vector field. In this case each defined equation and unknown is replaced by a set of M equations and M unknowns and each coefficients of the matrix [A] is replaced by a full (MxM) matrix. Thus, if a the multiplicity factor greather than one has been defined the true number of equations and unknonw is given by the product (NxM). E.g. if you want to solve a linear system of dimension DIM with a full matrix [A], simply define only one equation N=1 with multiplicity M=DIM The algorithm is based on the LU-factorisation of the matrix [A]=[L][U] with permutations of the rows and columns of [A] such as to minimize fill-in acording to the multiple-minimum-degree algorithm described by: [Alan Geroge, Joseph W.H. Liu, The Evolution of the minimum degree ordering algorithm, SIAM Review, Vol. 31, No. 1 pp 1-19, March 1989]. All direct-solver (ds-)functions return 0 = FALSE if succesfull, respectively 1 = TRUE with an error message on standard output if an error has occurred.


Enumeration Type Documentation



◆ StateType

enum StateType

Function Documentation

◆ ds_AssembleMatrix()

int ds_AssembleMatrix ( SD_MATRIX_DATA pMat0,
const int &  nEq,
int  Eq[],
const int &  Dim,
const double *  ElMat 

This function assemble the element square matrix [ElMat] for one element with nEq*M x nEq*M real coefficients in to the global matrix [A]. It must be called for each (finite) element after the element connectivity have been assembled and the matrix symbolic factorized. To perform this task we also require the element incidences. The variable: Dim specifies the dimension of the matrix: Mat which is not required to be equal to the numer of element incidences: nEq.

If a multiplicity factor M greather than 1 has been defined the numerical values in the element matrix [ElMat] must be forall vector components clustered together. E.g. for a multiplicity of 3 i.e. a 3D vector field, the 3x3 left-upper submatrix of [ElMat] must represent the coupling between the 3 vector field components. To perform this task we also newly require the element connectivity. The list of element equations should be the same or a subset of the list used previously when the matrix connectivity has been defined with a call to: ds_DefineConnectivity(). ATTENTION: no error is detected if some of the the element connectivity defined when calling ds_AssembleLocalMatrix() are not included in those previously specified when calling ds_DefineConnectivity() (ie. if the specified incidences have not been previously defined).

If the matrix [A] has been declared as symmetric only the upper triangular part of [ElMat], i.e. only ElMat[i][j] = ElMat[Dim*i+j] with i<=j and i,j = 0...M*nEq-1 are used and need to be defined. In the unsymmetric case all M*nEq x M*nEq coefficients are used. It is assumed that in the calling program the array [ElMat] is dimensioned as ElMat[...][Dim] NOTICE: Of course the parameter Dim can be greater than M*nEq: Dim >= M*nEq After all element matrices have been assembled the matrix [A] = [L][U] can be factorised in to the lower [L] and upper [U] tringular matrices by calling ds_Solve(NumericFactorize, ).

[in]pMat0pointer to the matrix [A] opaque data returned by ds_Initialize()
[in]nEqno. of equations for one element forming a crique
[in]EqElement list of equations for one element.
[in]Dimfirst dimension of the 2D-array ElMat[][Dim]
[in]ElMatelement square matrix to be assembled in the matrix [A]

◆ ds_DefineConnectivity()

int ds_DefineConnectivity ( SD_MATRIX_DATA *const  pMat0,
const int &  nEq,
int  Eq[],
const int &  nEl,
const int &  Dim 

This function assemble the element connnectivity for one or more elements in order to build a sparse matrix format. Of course we only store the upper part of the connectivity matrix because we only consider structure symmetric matrices.

The next function represents the computational kernel of this direct solver. Its functionality depends on the input parameter: Code whose meanings are given below. Generally once the matrix as been defined and the element connectivity assembled, the user first perform a symbolic factorization process. After assembling the numerical matrix, a numerical factorization step follows together with a back- and for-ward substitution to compute a numerical solution of the linear system. The matrix data can be resetted in order to solve other linear systems having the same matrix connectivity without the need to newly symbolic factorize the matrix. NOTE: If a multiplicity factor has been defined we assume that the vector components are clustered together in the vector pVec.

it is needed for defining the system (matrix) connectivity i.e. the non-zero coefficients of the matrix [A] i.e. which equation is connected to which one. For each (finite) element we have to specifies a list of equations. Here, we assume that all equations in the list are connected to eachother and thus lead to non-zero coefficients in the matrix i.e. the element list of equations form a crique This function is generally called for a single element (nEl = 1) or for a group of nEl elements having criques of equal dimension. To contemporary define the element connectivity for more elements set nEl>1 and store the list equations for each element in the array: Eq[][Dim]. Of course nEl<=Dim must holds. If a multiplicity factor greather than 1 has been defined we have only to define the element connectivity for the first representative equations or first vector field component i.e. as we would do for a scalar field, and thus all equations in the list must have a number less than the specified matrix dimension E.g. for an element with 4 nodes and multiplicity 3 we have a total true number of 12 equations forming a crique but only 4 = ( 12 / 3 ) equations must be specified and the values must not exceed the specified dimension of the matrix [A]. After the list of equations for all elements have been specified the matrix [A] should be symbolically factorized by calling the function: ds_Solve(SymbolicFactorize, ... ). NOTE: Except the definition of the multiplicity in ds_Initialize(), all steps performed to define the structure of matrix [A] are stricktly independent from the multiplicity

[in]pMat0pointer to the matrix [A] opaque data returned by ds_Initialize()
[in]nEqNo. of equations for one element forming a crique
[in]EqElement list of equations for more elements with equal no. of eqs.
[in]nElNo. of elements ( 0 <= i "<" nEq ; 0 <= e "<" nEl )
[in]Dimfirst dimension of the 2D-array Eq[][Dim]

◆ ds_Initialize()

int ds_Initialize ( const int &  MatDim,

This is the first function to be called prior to begin to work with any matrix. The user must gives the number of equations i.e. the dimension of the matrix, the type of matrix i.e. a symmetric or unsymmetric matrix and the multiplicity. The multiplicity specifies that each coefficient of the matrix is actually a square matrix and each equation and unknown is actually a set of equations and unknowns all of dimension equal to the defined multiplicity factor. Thus the true dimension of the linear system is given by the specified matrix dimension times the multiplicity. Of course a multiplicity value of one is the most general case, but sometines especially by vector field computations the multiplicity is simply given by the dimension of the vector to be computed and this allow to speed up many integer operations. Only define a multiplicity factor greather than one, if the vector field components, or a subset, are fully coupled to eachother. In fact, by definition of a multiplicity we always reserve memory for the full coupled system among each vector component, thus the memory requirement increase quadratically with the defined multiplicity factor. The function return a pointer to an opaque data type as matrix identifier.

MatDimdimension of the matrix [A]. The true number of equations and unknowns is given by: MatDim * Multiplicity
ppMatA pointer to an opaque data type storing data related to the matrix [A]

◆ ds_Solve()

bool ds_Solve ( const SD_MATRIX_WHAT Code,
double *  pX 

This function calls the solver itself.

[in]Codefunctionlity code defined above
[in]pMatpointer to the matrix [A] opaque data
[in]pXright hand side vector {B} to be overwritten by the solution vector {X}: B[i] := X[i]
false whenever the solve produced NaNs in the solution vector

◆ ReleaseBlockMatrix()

int ReleaseBlockMatrix ( SD_BLOCK_MATRIX_DATA pMat)

Release all the data allocated for the numerical factorization algorithm.


◆ ReleaseConMatrix()

int ReleaseConMatrix ( SD_CON_MATRIX_DATA pMat)