SNOWPACK 20241007.306a770


This plugin writes the profiles time series and meteorological time series and fluxes in the IMIS database and therefore provides the simulation data for the IFKIS platform.

The profiles are simplifed (ie. aggregated) in order to reduce their number of layers in this plugin.


The following keywords are used by this plugin:

  • DBNAME: which database to use, using the Oracle SID name as defined in tns_names, [Output] section;
  • DBUSER: user name, [Output] section;
  • DBPASS: user password, [Output] section;
  • HOAR_DENSITY_SURF: density of the surface hoar (kg/m3), [SnowpackAdvanced] section;
  • HOAR_MIN_SIZE_SURF: minimum size to show surface hoar on the surface (mm), [SnowpackAdvanced] section.