30#include <meteoio/MeteoIO.h>
59 const bool adjust_height_of_wind_value);
68 static double getParameterAverage(mio::IOManager& io,
const mio::MeteoData::Parameters& param,
69 const mio::Date& current_date,
const int& time_span,
const int& increment);
70 static void RichardsonStability(
const double& ta_v,
const double& t_surf_v,
const double& zref,
71 const double& vw,
const double& z_ratio,
double &ustar,
double &psi_s);
72 static void MOStability(
const ATM_STABILITY& use_stability,
const double& ta_v,
const double& t_surf_v,
const double& t_surf,
73 const double& zref,
const double& vw,
const double& z_ratio,
double &ustar,
double &psi_s,
double &psi_m);
76 mio::DataGenerator *dataGenerator;
77 double roughness_length, height_of_wind_value;
80 bool research_mode, useCanopyModel;
Computes interception of precipitation and radiation, and reduction of windspeed in a canopy layer ab...
Definition: Canopy.h:78
CurrentMeteo is the class of interpolated meteo data for the current calculation time step It contai...
Definition: DataClasses.h:83
static void projectPrecipitations(const double &SlopeAngle, double &precips, double &hs)
Projects precipitations and snow height perpendicular to slope.
Definition: Meteo.cc:141
virtual ~Meteo()
Definition: Meteo.cc:79
static bool compHSrate(CurrentMeteo &Mdata, const SnowStation &vecXdata, const double &hs_a3hl6)
Compute measured snow depth change rate to detect growing grass (canopy) vs. snowfall on bare ground.
Definition: Meteo.cc:334
void compMeteo(CurrentMeteo &Mdata, SnowStation &Xdata, const bool runCanopyModel, const bool adjust_height_of_wind_value)
Definition: Meteo.cc:379
void setStability(const ATM_STABILITY &i_stability)
set the atmosphere stability to a given value
Definition: Meteo.cc:121
void compRadiation(const SnowStation &station, mio::SunObject &sun, SnowpackConfig &cfg, CurrentMeteo &Mdata)
Definition: Meteo.cc:395
static void radiationOnSlope(const SnowStation §or, const mio::SunObject &sun, CurrentMeteo &Mdata, SurfaceFluxes &surfFluxes)
Definition: Meteo.cc:471
Meteo & operator=(const Meteo &mt)
Assignement operator.
Definition: Meteo.cc:65
Meteo(const SnowpackConfig &i_cfg)
Definition: Meteo.cc:40
Definition: Meteo.h:39
Simplified Richardson number stability correction.
Definition: Meteo.h:40
Holtslag and DeBruin (1988) prepared from Ed Andreas.
Definition: Meteo.h:43
Schloegl multivariate without offset.
Definition: Meteo.h:47
Stearns C. and Weidner G., "sensible and latent heat flux estimates in antarctica",...
Definition: Meteo.h:44
Stearns & Weidner, 1993 modified by Michlmayr, 2008.
Definition: Meteo.h:45
Schloegl multivariate with offset.
Definition: Meteo.h:48
Simple log-linear model.
Definition: Meteo.h:42
Schloegl univariate, see Schlögl et al. "How do stability corrections perfom over snow in the stable ...
Definition: Meteo.h:46
Assume neutral stratification.
Definition: Meteo.h:41
ATM_STABILITY getStability() const
get the atmosphere stability
Definition: Meteo.cc:130
Definition: DataClasses.h:603
Definition: SnowpackConfig.h:28
Definition: DataClasses.h:731